Quick A.M. Skincare Tips

Eating a nutritious breakfast is essential to optimum physical health, for example. Morning skincare is equally important because this is where you make sure that your skin is protected against all you’ll encounter out there in the world – sun, dirt, pollution, etc.

Start each day by washing your face with a gentle cleanser followed by using a tonifying agent. Just as you never want to exfoliate your face in the morning (why open up all those pores only to expose them to dirt, dust and pollution), you always want to tonify in the morning because this tightens and closes pores, protecting your face from the environment. Follow that with your moisturizer, and you’re set for the day in terms of skin care. If you will be out in the sun during the day, even if only for an hour, sunscreen is an excellent idea especially if you won’t be otherwise protected from the sun. In less than five minutes, you’ve made sure that you are starting the day fresh faced and that your face is ready for the big bad world it will surely encounter!

- See more at: http://naturalbodyguru.com/#sthash.wqGSow6I.dpuf



Date 5/12/2017

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